Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently adopted the 2012 Edition of NFPA 99 and will be enforcing these changes beginning in November. Section states that all personnel involved with the maintenance of medical gas systems shall be qualified to perform these operations. We offer a variety of educational opportunities for our customers in order to keep our clients qualified, up to date and informed as possible. Whether you are looking to obtain ASSE 6000 series credentialing through NITC or your need site specific training that is unique to your facility’s equipment, we customize our courses to fit your particular demands. All of our training courses are conducted by qualified and factory trained Medical Gas Systems Instructors certified to ASSE Standard 6050.
Medical Air Testing & Service, Inc. Training & Certification
This program is instructed by factory trained and credentialed medical gas system specialists and would be catered to fit your facility’s schedule and cover the materials specific to your facility. The course would take place at the customer location and training would apply to all source equipment, area alarms, master alarms, zone valve assemblies, outlets/inlets and would also include NFPA 99 code review. Upon successful completion of the training, Medical Air Testing & Service, Inc. will issue a Certificate of Completion, which would be valid for the duration of each version of NFPA 99, and could be updated to a more recent version (most recent published edition is 2015) with 1 day equipment refresher course combined with new code review.
ASSE 6005 Medical Gas Generalist
This standard provides general knowledge of medical gas and vacuum systems for the purpose of providing continuing education. Eligible individuals include any person with an interest in medical gas and vacuum systems and equipment. Certification shall include the successful completion of a minimum 24-hour training course covering ASSE Standard 6005 and applicable sections of NFPA 99 and NFPA 55. Recertification is done through a minimum 4-hour training course to subsequent editions of NFPA 99. (ASSE 6000 – Standard #6005)
ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer
This standard applies to any individual who installs medical gas and vacuum systems. Installers include anyone who works on or installs piping or components, including brazers. Medical gas piping systems include vacuum systems. The candidates for the ASSE 6010 certification shall have a minimum of four (4) years of documented practical experience in the field of installation of plumbing or mechanical piping systems. Certification shall include the successful completion of a minimum 32-hour training course covering ASSE 6010 and applicable sections of NFPA 99. Medical Gas Systems Installers shall be recertified through a minimum 4-hour training course to subsequent editions of NFPA 99. (ASSE 6000 – Standard #6010)
ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Maintenance Personnel Section
This standard applies to any individual who maintains medical gas and vacuum systems. Healthcare facility personnel installing medical gas or vacuum systems shall be certified to ASSE Standard 6010. Medical gas systems include vacuum systems. The candidates for ASSE 6040 certification shall be employed or contracted by a health care facility, or actively engaged in working with medical gas systems, and shall have one (1) year minimum experience in the maintenance of the medical gas and vacuum systems. Certification shall include the successful completion of a minimum 32-hour training course covering ASSE 6040 and applicable sections of NFPA 99 pertaining to medical gas and vacuum. Medical Gas Systems Maintenance Personnel shall be recertified through a minimum 4-hour training course to subsequent editions of NFPA 99. (ASSE 6000 – Standard #6040)