When it comes to your medical gas systems, you can never be too careful. It is imperative to keep your medical gas systems up to par not only for accreditation purposes, but more importantly, for your patients and facility staff. With this in mind, we offer the most thorough and comprehensive services in the industry. Our staff is available around the clock and consists of credentialed technicians who are factory trained and have extensive experience with a wide variety of medical gas system equipment.
3rd Party Verifications / Certifications
Whether you are a new facility seeking accreditation or an existing facility that is remodeling, it is crucial that your medical gas systems are installed and tested properly. In order to both meet and exceed the standards set forth by government and industry regulations, our service team consists of credentialed verifiers who are experienced with providing 3rd party verifications for Category 1, 2 & 3 healthcare facilities. NFPA 99 requires that your medical gas systems must be inspected and testing anytime the system has been breached. This includes all newly piped systems, temporary installations as well as additions, repair or renovations to existing systems.
System Evaluations
Our evaluations consist of thorough testing of the medical gas systems throughout your facility along with an itemized report containing our test results in order to satisfy your accreditation and survey requirements. This report includes all relevant functional performance and operational data as well as a list of any deficiencies or areas of concern for your convenience, which serves as both a tool for your staff to reference for maintenance purposes as well as documentation for your regular commissioning inspections.
Preventative Maintenance
The failure of a medical gas system component can have a significant impact on the performance and wellbeing of any healthcare facility. In order to ensure that your facility is maximizing its potential, we also provide preventive maintenance services for your medical gas equipment, which we recommend according to your facility’s needs and the equipment manufacturers’ recommendations. These services are designed to keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently, as well as to diagnose and remedy potential problems before emergency corrective measures must be taken.
Emergency Services
Unplanned requests for emergency services to your equipment due to electrical power loss, equipment malfunction, alarm conditions, or any other reason that exists outside of the scope of routine maintenance are included in this category. Our normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30am – 4:00pm MST. However our staff consists of factory trained personnel that are available around the clock for such repairs as well as technical support services. Our after-hours phone # is (303) 279-2491.
System Diagnostics and Repair
Our factory trained service staff consists of skilled technicians that are capable of repair services ranging from system diagnostics and on-site repair to component removal and mechanical overhauls done at our warehouse.
Electronic Data Access
Our Electronic Data Access platform provides our customers with constant access to their medical gas system records, including but not limited to Annual Evaluations, preventive maintenance records, service history as well as operation and maintenance manuals. All of this information is securely maintained, updated and accessible via our website.